Monday 31 October 2011

Spud - We - Like

Some of you will know that our garden, once an overgrown wilderness, has in the last couple of years been transformed if not exactly into something from Chelsea or Shrewsbury, at least into something neat and inhabitable. Our oft-mentioned "Beach Hut" has also meant that we've spent a lot more time outside than in and we've enjoyed every moment of it.

Not being very horticultural, though, one thing we don't have much of is.......soil. Which was fine by us until we started dabbling in growing potatoes. We invested in a couple, then three and then FIVE of those green polythene bags and some cheap seed potatoes and in no time at all the "patio" (Louise's word; I call it "the yard") resembled a mini-jungle.

Well in the last couple of months we've enjoyed a steady stream of spud which - while not always looking especially wonderful - have certainly tasted so.

This afternoon, we lifted the last of the crop which wasn't bad at all, so we'll have a few weeks of them yet.

Very exciting!

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